About the editor and Voices from the Underground

Ken Wachsberger is the founder of azenphonypress.com and kenthebookcoach.com. He is a long-time writer, editor, author, speaker, educator, and political organizer, as well as an early member, a book contract adviser, and a former national officer of the National Writers Union.

While teaching at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Ken led the successful nine-year drive that resulted in the formation of the first-ever bargaining unit for adjunct faculty in Michigan.

Today, Ken is a book coach, editor, and member of the National Speakers Association. Among his topics are

  • How to write and publish your own book
  • What’s your I-factor?: Writing for self-discovery and healing
  • Writing to preserve your legacy
  • How to negotiate your own author contract
  • The Vietnam era underground press

Other topics he has spoken on include the First Amendment, writers’ rights, teachers’ rights, copyright, Jewish resistance during World War II, the I-Search paper, how to keep sane as a breast cancer support person, and intranational hitchhiking in the seventies.

The four-volume Voices from the Underground Series is a product of Ken’s experiences in the seventies when he traveled the country, mostly via thumb (his first book is the novel Beercans on the Side of the Road: The Story of Henry the Hitchhiker); organized against the Vietnam War; and worked on underground papers everywhere he went. His history of the underground press from East Lansing-Lansing, Michigan, which appears in the first volume, was the prototype article for Voices from the Underground.

To invite Ken to speak at your event, send email to ken@kenthebookcoach.com.

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